
日時 平成31年4月24日(水)
会場 酒田産業会館 4F日本海
担当委員会名 酒田・遊佐魅力発信委員会
出席者数 メンバー45名(うち新入会員6名)、一般参加者49名



In a Japan with an inbound tourism in exploding development, the north shonai region seemed late to profit from it. In order to revitalize our region and start new economies, it is important to raise awareness on this and act all together to promote our region.

In order to do so we organized a meeting and a workshop where around 100 peoples gathered to learn and think together on inbound tourism. The meeting started with a lecture on the actual situation Japan and in our region now as well as useful information on Inbound tourism. It was followed by a lecture by “The hidden Japan” a North shonai located company specialized in inbound promotion, the lecture was conducted by President Ms Yamashina and Art Director M. Yamashita. It was followed by the largest part of the meeting, a workshop where each table of 8 peoples worked together to develop process to promote our region on social media. At the end of the meeting we launched a SNS campaign using the hashtag #kitashonai and seen right away peoples starting using it.
I am deeply grateful to all the peoples who helped realized this project and make it a success, I really think that inbound can be a chance for our region and that we need everyone to collaborate to promote efficiently the north shonai. We collected lot of great idea and seen many peoples connect with each other and I hope it will bring lot of new project in the future. Just one month since the end of the meeting the number of posts using the #kitashonai exceed 200 and is still growing. Making our region more famous will help develop actual companies as well as create opportunities to make new economies based on inbound, this will definitely make our region stronger.


そのため、私たち酒田・遊佐魅力発信委員会は、100名近くが一同に会し、インバウンド・ツーリズムに関してともに学び、ともに考えるための場として、4月公開例会「おらほのまちを有名さそ~北庄内魅力発信のためのワークショップ」を企画しました。この例会はまず、現在の日本、また北庄内エリアにおけるインバウンド・ツーリズムの現状を伝えるプレゼンテーションに始まり、続いてこの地域で英語圏向けのインバウンド・プロモーションを行う『The Hidden Japan社』の山科沙織代表ならびに山下デレック クリエイティブ・ディレクターの基調講演が実施されました。その後、今回の例会の要ともなるワークショップに移りました。ワークショップでは、8人一組となって私たちのまちの魅力をソーシャルメディアで発信するまでのプロセスについて話し合いを行いました。そして、例会の最後において、「ハッシュタグ北庄内(#kitashonai)」を使ったSNSキャンペーンをロンチしました。

